Situated in Pho Thanh Commune, Duc Pho District, 60km south of Quang Ngai City, the Sa Huynh beach is also called Sa Hoang, it means "gold sand". Therefore, the color of sand is not white like some others, it is glitter yellow sand. From Hanoi, tourists in Vietnam travel can reach Sa Huynh Beach by car or by train or can also travel by boat from Haiphong or from Ho Chi Minh City and reach Sa Huynh Port.
People's perspective By Thach village (Thanh Pho), Sa Huynh is a fishing village, the cradle of the "god of the sea" was ... forget the yellow sand travels along the coast of emerald green color. A little further, Sa Huynh is considered the winding coast bow starting mound Mara (Long Thanh district, Thanh Pho) to the Cave Swallow (Pho Vinh Tuy-European) - the southernmost land of Duc Pho District , Quang Ngai province.
And the vision of the archaeologists, Sa Huynh is a form of cultural space where the center is a large mound sites Mara, where the first, in 1909, archaeologist M. Vinet (France) has excavated the tomb much chum with working tools and sophisticated jewelry. And also the first time, on the archaeological map appear the words Vietnam Jarres Depot à Sa Huynh (Sa Huynh storage jars), marking a culture along the central axis is represented on the Binh Thuan-Sa Huynh-Quang average. Since then, "Sa Huynh Culture" (Central) along with "Culture Dong Son" (North) and "Oc Eo Culture" (South) created the "Cultural Triangle" of the country on the map .
Remember country, Sa Huynh people find each other sitting on the cup of wine and celebration to remind the neighborhood home. It was traditional village image path reddish color to the flower nectar any guy than once thought, to her lips beloved; have a roof when the weather compatibility silver loving but sweet friendship means teacher; have when the spread eagle rop cool blue corner home market, also have to remember to do our dream golden sand ranges of non-labor party that afternoon sea breeze whispering in the ...
These are some photos of the beach.
Source: sahuynhtourist.com