Add: # T2606, Hancorp Plaza – West Tower, 72 Tran Dang Ninh str., Cau Giay dist., Hanoi, VIETNAM
Tel: +84437833570
Address: 83A Ho Hao Hon Co Giang Str., Dist. 1 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: (84-8)39205429
Fax: (84-8)39205431
Is a professional travel. Our aim is to help you make your choice possible, especially for those who like adventurous travel to explore Vietnam and Over the World. We has the solution to the mass travel, so if you are looking for the GREAT fun, UNIQUE experience, relaxing holidays,MICE,... HTC tour programs with high quality services then you have come to a right place!
We offer a wide range of hotels, resorts and accommodations with detail information to help you make your choice where to stay and which place to visit during the time you stay in my homeland and all. Besides, we have also tours programs: domestic, inbound, outbound, and have many services such as: car rental, air tickets booking, interpreters -tours guides,...
All our guides have a sincere desire to communicate the rich history and culture of their country, willing to offer personal insights and take genuine care for you , every steps of the way.
Address: 83B bui Thi Xuan Str., Dist 1., Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (84-8)39255381
Address: 8/27 Nguyen Thien Thuat- Nha Trang-Khanh Hoa
Tel: 0586.254.681
Address: 2nd Floor, Lu Gia Building, 70 Lu Gia street
Tel: (84) 8 7303 8068
Address: 2bis Cong Truong Quoc Te
Tel: +84839140180
Address: 406/9 Cong Hoa Street Ward 13 Tan Binh Dist., Ho-Chi-Minh-City
Tel: (84-8)38105830
Address: 216-220 De Tham st, Dist 1, Hochiminh city, Viet Nam
Tel: (84-8)39204766