The Vietnam War Resources

Published:  20:34 Friday - December 03, 2010 Martin Kelly, editor of the American History guide on, has created a good starting point for finding information on the Vietnam War that includes links to basic information such as the My Lai Massacre, the Paris Peace Accords, and Kent State among other topics of interest. See also's Guide to Military History which includes numerous links to information on the war as well as a list of the articles published in Vietnam magazine each month.

The American Experience: War Letters
Based on the book by Andrew Carroll, War Letters reveals personal correspondence from the Revolutionary War to the Gulf War, including the Vietnam War, and includes accounts of famous battles, declarations of love, "Dear John" letters from home, and more. The accompanying Web site provides a comprehensive description of the film and a transcript, a timeline of U.S. military actions and wars from 1775 to the present, excerpts of letters from Carroll's book, and a teachers guide section grouped into categories of history, economics, geography, and civics. Additionally, for those interested in letter preservation, the site also provides tips on how to keep letters safe.

The American Experience: Vietnam Online
Program transcripts and other documents, designed to accompany the WGBH series Vietnam: A Television History, aired on PBS and based on Stanley Karnow's Vietnam: A History, are available at The American Experience site. The site includes a fact sheet, minibiographies of the major participants, chronology, reflections by Americans and Vietnamese, essays, a reference section, and glossary. See also, Vietnam: A Teacher's Guide and Karnow: A Review.

Army Security Agency Homepage and Online History: The Vietnam War
Included on this useful site are documents relating to the U.S. Army in Vietnam, the electronic battlefield, special forces, a history of the NVA, biographies of General Giap, Jane Fonda, Hanoi Hannah, Australian and New Zealand forces in Vietnam, a history of Air America, glossary, and a history of the Medal of Honor.

Battlefield Vietnam
Part of the PBS website, Battlefield Vietnam provides a brief history of the war, a timeline, overviews of the Viet Cong, guerilla warfare, and the air war over Vietnam, information on the battle at Khe Sanh, and a list of other PBS resources on Vietnam and the Vietnam War. You can see more in Vietnam Travel Agency.

The Causes of the Vietnam War
Andrew J. Rotter's essay on the causes of the Vietnam War from The Oxford Companion to American Military History provide a good overview of events and thinking leading up to the war. For additional information, see Vietnam War: Causes & Early Years.

CIA and the Vietnam Policymakers: Three Episodes 1962-1968
The Center for the Study of Intelligence Website provides access to a discussion of some of the controversies surrounding the Vietnam War including whether or not General Westmoreland accurately estimated the size of enemy forces in Vietnam (Distortions of Intelligence 1962-1963), CIA judgments on President Johnson's decision to "go big" in Vietnam (1963-1965), and the CIA, the order-of-battle controversy, and the Tet Offensive (1967-1968). Also included is a discussion on the lessons to be learned about the intelligence/policymaking relationship.

CNN: The Cold War
CNN's documentary series on the Cold War views this period of history from "Yalta to Malta" and includes interactive maps, rare archival footage online, information about the key figures, recently declassified documents, and a tour of Cold War capitals through 3-D images, and an educator's guide. Episode 11 focuses on the Vietnam War and includes a treasure trove of articles and war information plus interviews with Vietnam War veteran and noted author Philip Caputo, Vietnamese general Vo Nguyen Giap, U.S. general William Westmoreland, and former Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara. See also National Archives Learning Curve: Cold War and A Trip Through the Cold War.

E-History's The Vietnam War
This very useful site for historical research on the Web provides a section on the Vietnam War that includes information on books and videos, as well as providing maps, oral histories, and essays and papers on various aspects of the war.

Estimative Products on Vietnam, 1948-1975
This collection of CIA declassified estimative products is the first such release by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of documents exclusively on the Vietnam war and is one of the largest such releases as of 2005. Of the 174 documents that comprise the collection, 38 appear at least in part on this site as selected Vietnam NIEs (National Intelligence Council), and all are on a companion compact disk in their entirety. The intent is to add to the scholarship of the period and to make the documents more readily accessible to the general public.

The Evolution of U.S. Foreign Policy Toward Vietnam
Ray T. Garza traces the post-World War II thinking and strategy that lead to the foreign policy that guided the U.S. involvement in Vietnam, the failure of containment, and the end of the Johnson administration. For additional information on U.S. foreign policy, see:

Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy: Vietnam
United States Foreign Policy (University of Michigan Documents Center)
Vietnam War Bibliography: U.S. Policy (E. Moise)

The Fall of Saigon
The Nando Times Online Weekly Lesson provides a good introduation to the events surrounding the Fall of Saigon with links to other relevant sites. Other websites dealing with Operation Frequent Wind and the Fall of Saigon, Include:

Bitter Passage: Kent State & the Fall of Saigon
Fall of Saigon Marine Association
Fall of Saigon Stories
Fall of Saigon Stories (
In Pictures: The Fall of Saigon (BBC)
The Last Vietnam SDV Operation Off the USS Tunny

Memories of the Fall of Saigon (CBS)
NewsHour Extra: Fall of Saigon Stories
25th Anniversary of the Fall of Saigon (MSNBC)
25th Anniversary of the Fall of Saigon (this site)
U.S.S. Benjamin Stoddert

U.S.S. Handcock Vietnam Era Gallery
Vietnam Passage: Journeys from War to Peace (PBS)

Free Speech Movement Digital Archive
The Free Speech Movement that began on the Berkeley campus of the University of California in 1964 began a groundswell of student protests and campus-based social activism that would later spread across the United States for the remainder of the decade. With a substantial gift from Stephen M. Silberstein in the late 1990s, the University of California Berkeley Library began an ambitious program to document the role of those students and other participants who gave a coherent and organized voice to the Free Speech Movement. The primary documents provided here are quite extensive and include transcriptions of legal defense documents, leaflets passed out by members of the movement, letters from administrators and faculty members regarding the movement and student unrest, and oral histories. The site also provided a detailed bibliography to material dealing with the movement and a chronology of key events within its early history. Perhaps the most engaging part of the site is the Social Activism Sound Recording Project, which features numerous audio clips of faculty and academic senate debates, student protests, and discussions that were recorded during this period.

Fuelling the War
Louis Wesseling, author of Fuelling the War was president of Shell Oil in Vietnam during the final days of the war. His book is an unusual eye witness account of social and economic conditions in the last three years (1972-75) of the Republic of South Vietnam with thumbnail sketches of the most important U.S. and Vietnamese officials. The website provides information about the book and includes links to sites related to the topics covered in his book.

A Few Good Men
A Dateline NBC interactive feature, A Few Good Men discusses what happened to a U.S. Marine company during the 1967 battle of Khe Sanh in Vietnam and the effect the experience had on their lives. The story is reported by Dennis Murphy. The site includes a description of the battle, the story of some of the soldiers' who participated, a list of U.S. Senators who served in Vietnam, and links to Vietnam-related web sites.

General Nguyen Van Hieu's Web Page
This website describes the life of ARVN General Hieu, his military exploits, and his death. Photographs are included. Additional information about the General in addition to book reviews and ordering information can be found on the website by Tin Nguyen. is an interesting wargamaing website containing informative and entertaining presentations on battles fought in American history. The site includes an online forum, an art gallery, publications, a useful search feature, and related links.

The History Channel
The History Channel is a useful site for finding information the Vietnam War. Enter the term Vietnam War or Vietnam Conflict (or other terms related to the war) in the search box to access the sites many resources
. In addition, several DVDs about the war are available including:

Bloody Sieges Of Khe Sahn & Con Thien: Miscalculation in Vietnam
Deadly Reckoning--In the final battle of the Vietnam War, Marines sought to recover a ship captured by Cambodian pirates.
Ermey's Vietnam-- R. Lee Ermey returns to Vietnam for the first time in 25 years.
Forward Air Controllers
Huey Helicopter: Air Armada
Jungle Ambush--An account of the deadliest single incident in the history of the Special Forces.
LBJ And Vietnam: In The Eye Of The Storm
The Personal Experience: Helicopter Warfare in Vietnam
Special Ops With John Milius--The youngest soldier to take part in the Son Tay Raid remembers his experience.
The Tet Offensive
The Tunnel Rats
Unsung Heroes: Unsung Heroes: The Battle Of Khe Sanh
Vietnam: A Soldier's Diary
Vietnam: How We Went to War
--an in-depth look at the policies and social forces that led America into the longest conflict in its history.
Vietnam: On The Frontlines--The soldiers who fought it and the journalists who covered it tell their personal stories.
Vietnam Dilemma: Tet And The Anti-War Movement
Vietnam Gunboats

The War Memorials

For more information, see The History Channel's store.

The History Net's History Net provides an interesting selection of articles on all aspects of U.S. and world history and is continually updated. An article index is provided and numerous articles and personal accounts about the Vietnam War are included. A site search engine is provided, and an e-mail newsletter is available. Additional informationon the Vietnam War can be found in on line encyclopedias such as and (type the term Vietnam War in the search box).

The History Place: The Vietnam War
The History Place website provides a study of the United States in Vietnam 1945-1975 including comprehensive timelines with quotes and analysis and information on Dien Bien Phu, the Geneva Conference, Diem's Downfall, the Gulf of Tonkin, Rolling Thunder, Khe Sanh, the Tet Offensive, My Lai, the Democratic Convention in Chicago, Hamburger Hill, Cambodia, Kent State, the Pentagon Papers, and the end of the war. The site is divided into four sections: Seeds of Conflict (1945-1960), America Commits (1961-1964), The Jungle War (1965-1968), and The Bitter End (1969-1975). A photograph slide show is also included.

The John Birch Society and the Vietnam War
During the Vietnam War, the John Birch Society reported extensively on how American soldiers were prevented from winning the war, how the U.S. government knowingly abandoned thousands of POW/MIAs, and on other issues. Most of the material posted on the website was written during the war. The site also includes various quotes from recent books written by Vietnam veterans to substantiate what the organization reported at the time of the war.

Kent State University Library's May 4th Collections
The library at Kent State University provides an archive commemorating the deaths of four of its students during an anti-war demonstration on May 4, 1970. Alan Canfora's Kent State Massacre website provides a wealth of information including photographs, excerpts of FBI investigation reports, recommended and not-recommended books, and a variety of useful and interesting links, particularly to information about the famous Kent State photograph of Mary Vecchio. Alan Canfora was one of the students wounded at Kent State and provides a chilling account of the shootings. For additional information related to Kent State see:

Bitter Passage: Kent State & the Fall of Saigon
Kent State Forever Linked with Vietnam War Era
Kent State, May 4, 1970: America Kills Its Children
Kent State: Proof to Save the Guardsmen

MY 4 Links
May 4th, 1970 - Kent State WebQuest
Ten Days Later (Jackson State)
The United Sates Anti-War Movement and the Vietnam War
Vietnam War Refought: Kent State, 1977

Khe Sanh Declassified Documents
This impressive site includes over 350 declassified documents relating to Khe Sanh from the LBJ Library, including memos to the president and the papers of W. W. Rostow and William Westmoreland. Site developer Ray Anderson accumulated and purchased the documents after doing research on his unit and decided to put them on the net for students, authors and researchers who couldn't go to library in Austin, Texas. The paper copies are now part of the 4,000+ documents in the 109th Quartermaster Company (Air Delivery) donation at the Vietnam Center at Texas Tech in Lubbock and cover the period June 1967 to June 1968, before and during Tet 1968. See also:

The Battle for Khe Sanh
The Battle of Khe Sanh
Battlefield Vietnam: Khe Sanh
Khe Sanh: A Walk in the Clouds
Khe Sanh Combat Base
Khe Sanh Hill Fights of '76
Khe Sanh Veterans Home Page
The Hill Battles at Khe Sanh
Remembrances of Khe Sanh

Lies, Deceit and Hypocricy
Norwegian journalist Kristian Kahrs' study of the role of journalists in the Vietnam War, 1962-63, provides an interesting and useful perspective on war reporting and the reaction it had in Washington. Notes and a bibliography are included.

The Long Way Home Project
The Long Way Home Project is a four-part interactive documentary film series for television aimed at correcting distortions in the presentation of the war in the media and in the teaching of the war. The films feature candid interviews with some of the most important surviving players of the period including Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesinger, General William J. McCaffrey, and Ambassador Charles E. Whitehouse. Pulitzer-prize nominated historian and author Dr. Lewis Sorley provides insight and commentary to the films which include many never-before-seen photos and top-secret documents as well as inside look at the soldiers who fought in the Vietnam War. The accompanying website includes an introduction explaining the nature of the project, a list of episodes in the series, veterans' and filmmaker's stories, a valuable section of statistics and references.

Military Analysis Network: The Vietnam War
This site is part of the Federation of American Scientists website. The FAS, a privately-funded, non-profit policy organization, is engaged in analysis and advocacy on science, technology and public policy concerning global security. The section on the Vietnam War analyzes military tactics and policy during the war, statistics, and links to websites and documents for further study.

Military Police of the Vietnam War
This photo-rich website, created by Jim Stewart, is a tribute to the military police who served in Vietnam. The site provides photographs of the men who served with accompanying stories about them, giving a real flavor of the times. In addition, a very useful links page is included.

The Military Studio Link Directory
Website author Jack Walters, a Vietnam veteran, is working to build a comprehensive theme-catagorized military link directory. This is a very useful place to begin looking for military information and includes a growing number of annotated links relating to the Vietnam War. Categories available include links to websites relating to active duty, aircraft, bases and installations, commissary and PX, general military and government sites, K-9 dogs, medical information, military art, books, music, museums and monuments, and more. Walters' home page includes a link to a gallery of wonderful photographs taken during his tour in Vietnam.

The Missed Opportunities
On June 20, 1997, the former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara led an American delegation to Hanoi for a conference to discuss the missed opportunities to end the Vietnam War. Mr. McNamara said the mission was to heal wounds of the war and to help future generations with lessons from history. Missed Opportunities was a project at Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies in collaboration with Hanoi's Institute for International Relations. Critical Oral History: The American War in Vietnam is a current project of the Watson Institute. For additional information on the conference and on Robert McNamara, see also:

Hanoi Conference Agenda
McNamara's In Retrospect: A Pro Forma Mea Culpa
The Pentagon Papers
Revisiting a Lost Cause
U.S., Vietnam Examine Why Peace Was Elusive


National Archives and Record Administration: Access to Archival Databases
The National Archives has recently created this valuable online database that contains close to 50 million historical records, culled from 350 archival sources from 20 different federal agencies. Some sources include the Japanese-American Internee File, the Community Action Program Grant Master Files, and the Civil War Sites Database. From the homepage, visitors can learn about the architecture of the database, read about the terminology used on the site (and in the archives more generally), and how to get help using the archives. To begin, users will want to select a file unit, which are divided by subject, geography, organization, time span, and creator (such as civilian or military agency). After making this selection, a list of relevant file units will be returned, and users can select the one that is most germane to their area of interest. At this point, users can perform a more detailed search within the particular database they have selected. When users have found the information they are looking for, they have the option to view the records, print them out, or copy them to their own computer. Overall, this is an important addition to the extensive number of federal data sets available online.

Operation Tailwind
In its June 15, 1998 issue Time Magazine ran a story under the combined bylines of April Oliver and Peter Arnett called "Did The U.S. Drop Nerve Gas?" The article alleged that U.S. Air Force cluster bombs filled with nerve gas. This website provides a good overview of the storyand its repercussions. Additional information maybe found on these sites:

The Legacy of Operation Tailwind
Operation Tailwind
Operation Tailwind--Excerpts from 1970 Command History
Operation Tailwind Review: Extract of U.S Air Force Report
Operation Tailwind Tangle
Report Summary: Operation Tailwind (U.S. Army)
The Roots of the Tailwind Hoax

An Oral History of the My Lai Massacre
Fertel Communications, a multi-media corporation promoting educational or literary projects, provides a useful website based on materials from a My Lai oral history conference held at Tulane University in 1994. The site includes information about the massacre, transcripts, resources, and videos (which are available for purchase) as well as information on the Ron Ridenhour lecture series that Fertel Communications sponsors which has included speakers such as journalists and authors David Halberstam and Phillip Caputo. This is a good starting point for information about My Lai.

Other websites relating to My Lai include:

All About the My Lai Massacre
American Terrorism in Vietnam
Exploring Vietnam: My Lai
The Legacy of My Lai
Massacre at My Lai
Murder in the Name of War
My Lai: A Brief History with Documents
My Lai: An American Tragedy
My Lai Massacre Bibliography
My Lai Massacre Bibliography (E. Moise)
The My Lai Cases
The My Lai Massacre
The My Lai Massacre (PBS)
The My Lai Massacre Trial
The My Lai Project
Something Dark and Bloody
Special Collection Relating to the Trial of Ernest Medina

Photo That Haunted the World
The BBC's anniversary site features an article on Kim Phuc, subject of the famous photograph. Links are included to a timeline, the BBC's Vietnamese service, a number of BBC articles on various subjects relating to the war, agent orange, My Lai, and Vietnam today, and to stories relating to the region. For additional information on Kim Phuc, see

Address At The United States Vietnam War Memorial
The Bigger Picture
Kim Foundation International
Kim Phuc's Testimony
The Kim Phuc Story
Kim's Story: The Road from Vietnam
Phan Thi Kim Phuc

Portraits of Vietnam - 1968
Paul Emma, a graduate of Philadelphia College of Art (now the University of the Arts), with a BFA in Photography served in Vietnam in 1968 as a Psychological Operations (PSY-OPS) photographer. As noted on this beautiful website, "Stationed in Bien Hoa, he grew to know and care for the Vietnamese people and in his time off-duty, he photographed the men, women and children whom he met, often times only with a Poloroid camera, or using film processed under inadequate conditions." The photographs are very powerful and give a wonderful view of Vietnam and its people. This is a must visit website.

Psywarrior: Psychological Operations
The Psywarrior website focuses on explaining the use of psychological warfare and includes an explanation and examples of its use in Vietnam and the Gulf War. Links to other psychological warfare sites, military and veterans Information, samples of Vietnam and Gulf War PSYOP leaflets, POW/MIA info, and information on the Son Tay POW rescue raid are included.

Radical Times: The Antiwar Movement of the 1960s
This well-designed, useful student-created site explores the antiwar movement and its effects on modern society. Included are a brief movie introducting the movement, a timeline, articles on various aspects of the war, politics and the antiwar movement, the effects of the movement on the war itself, counterculture, violent protest and campus unrest, a discussion forum, chat room, and Web links. For additional information on the 1960s, the counterculture, and the antiwar movement, see:

American Civil Rights Review
The Anti-Vietnam War Movement

The Anti-War Movement in the United States
Anti-War Protests
Berkeley Free Speech Movement Archive
Counterculture of the Sixties
How the Anti-War Movement Grew
Lessons from the Anti-War Movement
The Music Festival Home Page
1969 Woodstock Concert & Festival
The Port Huron Statement (SDS)
The Psychedelic '60s
The Rise and Fall of the Anti-Vietnam War Movement in the U.S.
SDS History
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
The Truth About the Anti-Vietnam Protests
Vietnam At Home: The Anti-War Movement
The Vietnam War Protests

For information on anti-war protests comparing the Vietnam War to the war in Iraq, see:

The New Face of Protest

Radio First Termer
This website pays tribute to Radio First Termer, a pirate radio station that operated in South Vietnam around 1971 and was hosted by Dave Rabbit. Radio First Termer offered military personnel in South Vietnam a largely irreverent alternative to Armed Forces Radio as well as protests against the war. Featured on this page are sound clips from broadcasts.

Recalling the Vietnam War
This useful history research site utilizes the Conversations with History archive, to study the complex environment in which decisions were made regarding Vietnam and American participation in the war the causes and consequences of U.S. decisions. Available at this site are audio tapes of and an interview with Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in which he discusses the factors affecting President Johnson's Vietnam War decisions, and an interview with Neil Sheehan in which he discusses Vietnam-era leadership. Other participants in the conversation include: Tom Wicker, John Kenneth Gailbraith, Harry Summers, Daniel Ellsberg, and Oliver Stone. See also, Thoughts Engendered by Robert McNamara's In Retrospect by Harold P. Ford.

The Secret Vietnam War
Jeff Glasser, author of The Secret Vietnam War: U.S. Air Force in Thailand, 1961-1975 (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1995), has created a website that provides information from his book. Topics include the roots of American involvement, the buildup, and specific events during the war such as the Cambodian incursion, search and rescue operations, Linebacker I and II, and events in Indochina after the end of the war. Photographs and links to related sites are included.

The Tet Offensive and It's Aftermath
This essay by noted Vietnam scholar and teacher Edwin E. Moise, provides a valuable starting point for the study of the 1968 Tet Offensive and is part of the author's The Vietnam Wars. See also his Vietnam Bibliography. For additional information on the Tet Offensive, see:

Additonal Materials on the Tet Offensive
Battle for Hue
The Cakewalk Operation
Mau Than Revisited
More About the 1968 Tet Offensive
The Silent Tears in Hue City
Surprised at Tet: U.S. Naval Forces in Vietnam, 1968
The Tet Offensive
Tet Offensive: Hue City
The Tet Offensive 1968: General Vo Nguyen Giap
Tet Offensive: A Turning Point in the Vietnam War (
Tet Offensive: Turning Point in the Vietnam War

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The 25th Anniversary of the Fall of Saigon
A number of special publications, television specials, and articles appeared for the 25th anniversary on April 29, 2000. The following are some of those available on the Web:

CNN In-Depth Special: Vietnam at 25
CNN's anniversary report, also called Vietnam: Echoes of War, includes a collection of useful articles on the following topics: Vietnam Today, Bridge Across the Water (U.S. Vietnam relations), America 25 Years After, the Boat People, Covering the War, Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam's Neighbors, Postcards from Vietnam (CNN producer Greg Phillips' trip to Vietnam), a Soldier's Diary (Max Cleland) and Photos from the War.

A Different War
The New York Times's anniversary special includes an audio feature, an experts discussion of the war and its aftermath, a multimedia look at Vietnam in 2000, The Times' coverage of the fall of Saigon and the aftermath (extensive), and memories, experiences and opinions in a section called Abuzz.

The Fall of Saigon 25 Years Later
The anniversary website of the Associated Press, which carries the subtitle America Still Mired in Vietnam 25 Years Later, includes links to both the Vietnamese and the American views of the aftermath of the war, a timeline, map. videos, analyses, and a look back at the war itself.

Photo That Haunted the World
The BBC's anniversary site features an article on Kim Phuc, subject of the famous photograph. Links are included to a timeline, the BBC's Vietnamese service, a number of BBC articles on various subjects relating to the war, agent orange, My Lai, and Vietnam today, and to stories relating to the region.

Revisiting Vietnam
National Public Radio's All Things Considered program's anniversary special includes a large audio collection of interviews and reports in addition to an online memory scrapbook and a link to American Radio Works which provides detailed reports and analysis, photographs, and resource links.

Vietnam 25 Years Later
The online magazine Salon's 25th anniversary special for the end of the Vietnam War includes a collection of articles providing information on John McCain's return to Vietnam for the anniversary, a retrospective on the war with reflections from authors and decision makers, and a RealMedia/Windows Media film of Barbara Sonneborn's documentary Regret to Inform.

Vietnam 25 Years Later
DefenseLink's site provides a series of stories about events marking the 25th anniversary of the Fall of Saigon with a section of related links. Featured is the visit of Secretary of Defense Willilaml S. Cohen

Vietnam 25 Years Later
AsiaSource's anniversary website provides articles, taken from a variety of sources (many from the BBC), on aspects of the war and its aftermath including information on Agent Orange, Cu Chi, the U.S. evacuation from Saigon, the photo of Kim Phuc, Vietnam today, and interviews with Bobbie Ann Mason, Michael Lind, Philip Caputo and Jonathan Schell on the lessons of the war.


The Viet Cong View of the Vietnam War
This interesting paper by noted Vietnam War scholar Douglas Pike was prepared for the Fourteenth Military History Symposium, Vietnam 1964-1973: An American Dilemma. U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, October 11-19, 1990. For additional information on the Viet Cong, see:

Hanoi/Viet Cong View of the Vietnam War
In Viet Cong Country
Taken Prisoners by the Viet Cong
Viet Cong
Viet Cong Program, 1962

Viet Cong Repression
Viet Cong Tunnels

Vietnam Airdrop History
Vietnam Airdrop History focuses on the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps "Riggers" who rigged the airdrops in Vietnam. The site includes lists of rigger units and members, photographs, unit histories, letters, documents, news clippings, and suggested readings.

Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, Vietnam-USA is a beautiful, affecting website. Beginning with a series of quotes from Americans and Vietnamese, the animated site traces the chronology of the war with a useful timeline at the top of each page which links to information on each event. The site includes a photo gallery, stories, and web links.

Vietnam War Era Ephemera Collection
The Vietnam War inspired poster, handouts, and other printed ephemera. The University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections division has created an online archive which brings many of these documents together in one place. The documents are divided into thematic categories, such as racism, socialism, farm workers, gay rights, and religion.

Vietnam War Internet Project
The Vietnam War Internet Project is an educational organization providing information and documents about the various Indochina Wars and to the collection and electronic publication on the web of oral histories and memoirs of both those who served in and those who opposed those conflicts. Included on this large site are the archives of the moderated usenet discussion group soc.history.war.vietnam (SHWVN), an image library formerly housed at the Byrd Archive at Marshall University, a POW/MIA page that includes the full report of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA affairs, articles, bibliographies, memoirs, a memorabilia exchange, and a recommended reading list.

Vietnam War in the News
This very useful site is an edited review of Vietnam War related news and articles. Articles may be found on subjects such as battles and soldiers, special forces, the anti-war movement, films, Agent Orange, POW/MIA, women and wartime, Vietnam today, decorated heroes, art and propaganda, wartime stories, re-enactments, Hmong, Australian troops, politics and leaders, and more.

Wars for Viet Nam, 1945 to 1975
Developed around course materials for historian Robert Brigham's senior seminar on the Vietnam War at Vassar College, this valuable website provides an overview of the Vietnam War with links to numerous official documents, including several Hanoi documents unavailable elsewhere, and to veteran and Vietnamese cultural websites. Brigham was the first U.S. scholar given access to the Vietnamese archives on the war in Hanoi.

The Whole World Was Watching: An Oral History of 1968
This site, a joint project between South Kingstown High School (Rhode Island) and Brown University's Scholarly Technology Group, includes transcripts, audio recordings, and edited stories of Rhode Island residents who shared their memories of the events of 1968. Also included are a timeline glossary, and a bibliography.

For additional articles, documents, photographs, and Vietnam War history-related sites, see:

Air National Guard Mobilizations, 1968-1969
Battle Notes: Music of the Vietnam War
Brief History of Vietnam
The Center for Military History (U.S. Army)
Chronology of U.S.-Vietnam Relations
Clickable Map of Vietnam
Colby's Vietnam: History Misrepresented
Combat After Action Report: Vietnam 1969
The Crucible Called Vietnam
The Cu Chi Tunnels (film)
Draft Resistance in the Vietnam Era
History Research Online
Index of Vietnam Graphics
Learning and Researching U.S. History: The Vietnam War
Lima Site 85--Laos
Links for the Vietnam War
Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam
Military History on the Internet (scroll down)
Military Research on the Internet
National Warplane Museum
Nuclear Age Timeline
Operation Babylift
The Pentago Papers: Secrets, Lies, and Audiotapes
Phoenix Program Bibliography
The Presidents (PBS' American Experience series)
Search the National Security Archive
Statistics About the Vietnam War
30-Year Anniversary: Tonkin Gulf Lie Launched the Vietnam War
TV News Archive
U.S. Involvement in Vietnam, 1964-1968 (PDF file)
Vietnam Era History Gallery
Vietnam Leaders
Vietnam Today
Viet Nam War Casualty Search
Vietnam War History and U.S. Politics
Vietnam War History Page

Vietnam War Master Resource Guide
Vietnam's Phoenix Program
War, Peace & Security Server
Yahoo! The Vietnam War

Vietnam wargaming sites include:

Police Action
Viet Wargaming Ring
Where's Charlie

Vietnam War sites in Spanish:

Clausewitz y Vietnam
La Guerra de Vietnam
Vietnam: Museo de la Guerra

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Vietnam History in Brief

Vietnam History in Brief

111 BC: China conquered the northern part of present-day Vietnam. Over the next several centuries Vietnamese culture was strongly influenced...
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