Argentina party secretary praises Vietnam’s renewal

Published:  10:49 Wednesday - January 19, 2011

Argentina party secretary praises Vietnam’s renewal

Vietnam’s renewal process is a source of encouragement to the struggle for socialism in Latin America, said Jorge Kreyness, Secretary in charge of International Affairs of the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA).

In an interview with a Vietnam News Agency correspondent in Buenos Aires on January 17, the PCA secretary said he admired the victories that the Vietnamese people have obtained during the struggle for national independence and reunification in the past as well as in the current national construction and development.

He noted that socialist construction and changes brought about by the renewal process have highlighted Vietnam’s role in the international arena.

In recent days, PCA members have a closely followed information on the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) run in PCA publications, Jorge Kreyness said.

He expressed his belief that the CPV will creatively apply the Congress’s resolutions aimed at boosting the renewal process.

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