Ta Xua's Dinosaur Spine: Important tips for first-time visitors

Published:  11:32 Wednesday - September 18, 2024

Ta Xua's Dinosaur Spine: Important tips for first-time visitors

Ta Xua’s Dinosaur Spine is a popular destination for nature lovers, with its lush greenery and mountainous landscapes. From the Dinosaur Spine, you can enjoy panoramic views of the Northwestern mountains, and if you’re lucky, you might see a sea of fluffy, pure white clouds an incredibly spectacular sight. So, what should you keep in mind when visiting the Dinosaur Spine, and what preparations are needed for the trekking journey? Let’s explore in the following article.

Where is Ta Xua’s Dinosaur Spine?

There are two locations with the same name, both referred to as Ta Xua’s Dinosaur Spine. The first location is easier to access and can be reached by either walking or riding a motorbike. This Dinosaur Spine is located in Ta Xua, Son La. The exact location is Bac Yen District, Son La Province. It is about 10 km from Bac Yen Town, accessible by winding mountain roads. You can ride a motorbike to the cloud-hunting spot on the Dinosaur Spine and then walk around for photos and checking in.

The second location is Ta Xua’s Dinosaur Spine in Yen Bai Province. This site requires a trekking journey to reach the summit. It is the 13th highest peak among the 15 tallest peaks in Vietnam. Despite its relatively low height, conquering this peak is challenging, ranking among the top 7/10 in terms of difficulty.

The exact location of this peak is Ban Cong Commune, Tram Tau District, Yen Bai Province. It stands at 2,856 meters above sea level. The trek to Ta Xua’s Dinosaur Spine in Yên Bái involves navigating complex terrain, rugged dirt paths, and unique mossy forests, with the anticipation of seeing a breathtaking sea of clouds.

Preparing for the Trekking to Dinosaur Spine

Ta Xua's Dinosaur Spine

For Ta Xua’s Dinosaur Spine in Son La

This destination is relatively easy to conquer. You only need a passion for exploration, adventure, and a love for nature. To increase your chances of cloud spotting, check the weather beforehand and choose days with no rain and light sunshine. You can either ride a motorbike or hire a local motorcycle taxi. Wear comfortable clothing suited for hiking, but ensure it’s breathable and suitable for outdoor activities. Opt for non-slip shoes or sandals and avoid high heels. Since it’s usually cold at the summit, bring a light jacket, hat, and an umbrella for protection against rain and sun.

For Ta Xua’s Dinosaur Spine in Yen Bai

This location requires good physical fitness to tackle the trek. Prepare by doing mountain climbing exercises such as running, stair climbing, walking, and squatting. For those who are used to sports, this may not be too challenging, but it can still be a test for those new to mountain climbing. Regarding hiking gear, pack optimally. Bring lightweight but durable clothing, and prioritize non-slip hiking shoes to ensure safety during the climb. Additionally, consider packing climbing gloves and trekking poles or bamboo sticks if needed.

Carry enough food for the trek, which typically takes two days to ascend and descend. Bring instant noodles, canned food, and clean water. If traveling in a group, assign someone to manage food and cooking supplies, focusing on dry and ready-to-eat items.

You can rent shelters managed by locals for around 100,000 VND per person, which includes basic amenities like a toilet, blankets, and communal beds. Alternatively, you can bring your own tent for an overnight stay at the summit, though this requires additional space for your gear. For first-time trekkers, hiring a local guide to assist with navigation and supplies is recommended.

Bring essential personal items such as headache and stomachache medication, insect repellent, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a washcloth for personal hygiene. Don’t forget to bring camera equipment to capture the stunning views of Ta Xua.

Trekking route to Ta Xua Dinosaur Spine

For Ta Xua in Son La

Starting from Hanoi, you can take a bus or drive yourself along National Route 6 to Bac Yen Town. From Bac Yen, continue on the DT112 mountain road for about 10 km, which is quite challenging with many sharp curves. After approximately 30 minutes, you will reach Thao Coffee. From there, you can either ride a motorbike or take a motorcycle taxi to the Dinosaur Spine for cloud hunting and checking in.

For Ta Xua in Yen Bai

The journey to Ta Xua in Yen Bai is more complex. Typically, a complete climbing schedule from Hanoi takes two days and three nights. On the first night, you can take a bus or, if in a group, hire a private vehicle to Tram Tau in Yen Bai. Arrive in Tram Tau early in the morning and rest at a homestay.

The next day, start climbing Ta Xua at 5 a.m. From Tram Tau to Ban Cong is about 15 km, which you can cover by walking or hiring a motorcycle taxi (200,000 VND). From Ban Cong, the trekking begins, and after about 4 hours of climbing, you will reach a resting shelter near the Dinosaur Spine.

The trek involves traversing beautiful paths, unique mossy forests, and crossing streams and passes, making it a challenging journey. The total trekking distance is approximately 24 km. The route is relatively straightforward since there is only one path to the summit, following the trail will lead you to the top.

Trekking tips for Ta Xua’s Dinosaur Spine

Ta Xua's Dinosaur Spine

For those new to trekking, ensure you are in good health, especially if you’re not physically active. Long climbs require stamina. Prepare by engaging in physical exercises like walking, running, and stair climbing to avoid excessive fatigue when reaching the summit.

Pack efficiently, avoiding unnecessary clothing and gear that could weigh you down. Only bring essential clothing, food, and water in moderation.

If you lack trekking experience, consider joining a tour or hiring a porter. They can assist with gear, ensure safety, and manage accommodations, allowing you to focus on exploringTa Xua.

For cloud spotting, wake up early and go at dawn, when the sun hasn’t yet reached the summit, as the clouds will be at their most magnificent. Delaying until later in the day may result in missing this experience.

Important notes before trekking

  • The weather on the Dinosaur Spine is quite cold at night and in the early morning, so prepare with a jacket, scarf, and gloves.
  • Warm up before climbing, follow the guidance of experienced individuals, and avoid separating from the group or running ahead.
  • Do not pick wild plants or drink from streams without knowledge of their safety, as you might encounter poisonous food.
  • From April to September, climbing is more challenging due to frequent rain and flooding, which can affect the trekking experience. This period also has more snakes. It is better to trek from September to March.

These are the tips for conquering Ta Xua’s Dinosaur Spine that I have compiled. With this information, I hope you will have a wonderful trip to Ta Xua, successfully spot the clouds, and enjoy the stunning scenery of the area.

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