Cho Ro ethnic group - The ethnic group has diffirent community organization

Published:  20:47 Tuesday - November 29, 2011

Cho Ro ethnic group - The ethnic group has diffirent community organization

It does not follow matriarchy or patriarchy. Both have significance in the family life of the Cho Ro. Finding out about Cho Ro ethnic group, you will explore a great deal of interesting things about Ethnic Groups in Vietnam.

Name of ethnic group: Cho Ro (Do Ro, Chau Ro).

Population: 22,567 people (Year 1999)

Locality: Dong Nai, Binh Thuan, Binh Phuoc and Binh Duong provinces.

Customs and habits: The Cho Ro lives in houses built on stilts and on the ground. Both patriarchal and matriarchal customs have significance in the family life of the Cho Ro. The Cho Ro believes that all things have souls and spirits. These spirits have an invisible control over humans which forces them to become involved in worshipping rituals and puts special taboos on them. The most important worshipping ritual is the one that pays respect to the souls of the forest and the rice plant.

Culture: Cho Ro language belongs to the Mon-Khmer Group and has close ties to the Ma and the Xtieng languages. Their musical instruments are comprised of a set of seven-pattern gongs, string instruments with a bamboo sound-box, and alternating songs.

Costumes: The Cho Ro has adopted the Kinh style of dress. The women wear necklaces and bracelets made of copper, silver, or beads.

Economy: The main economic activity practiced is slash-and-burn cultivation. In certain places, rice cultivation in submerged fields has been developed. Animal husbandry, hunting, gathering, fishing, basketry, and wood carving are other sideline occupations.

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